About me…
A creative writing major in college, then an educator, I am at last a full-time writer. I used to focus solely on short fiction (for grown-ups) and have had several stories—both slipstream and literary—published, the most recent in Loud Coffee Press.
I am the author of The Dragon and the Girl series. It all started when my grandchildren said one night (when they were supposed to be sleeping), “Tell us a story.” And so the adventures of a feisty young girl and an impossible dragon began. It is important to know that whatever I write must be true, whether it is real or not. I hope you will discover the truth in whatever I write. When I’m not writing, I read (a lot), cook (mostly) healthy dinners, and spend time with people I love.
I live in Southern California, but was raised in the Midwest, not far from the purported geographic center of the lower 48 states. One of my other projects is a novel about what it was like to be a daughter of a Presbyterian minister and his wife, whose church’s roots were planted in the rich, black Kansas soil and mores of the 1960s.